What Every Parent Should Know About Growth Spurts in Childhood (2024)

Inside: Signs of growth spurts and cognitive leaps in children and how to help support your child through these periods of crankiness and developmental disequilibrium!

There are lots of reasons that kids get cranky — just like us, they have bad days too. Some of the usual suspects are alack of sleep, hunger, overstimulation, and the like. The easy fix for those times is to feed them and shuffle them off to bed.

But what about when the crankiness goes on for days? Those times when your usually happy-go-lucky or laid-backed child turns into a grumpy, whiny, picky, sleepy, overstimulated bundle of emotions.

A likely culprit for all of that irritability is a cognitive leap or a growth spurt in the brain — a time when your child is working on a new skill under the surface, in the depths of the brain.

What Every Parent Should Know About Growth Spurts in Childhood (1)

Often, we think that growth spurts end sometime after toddlerhood but the truth is they continue throughout childhood. Brain growth spurts may not translate to inches in height. Under the surface, however, there is so much growth and change.

The next time your child seems out of sorts, ask yourself — could it be a growth spurt? We are quick to blame a bad habit or behavior, but it could be that your child’s brain is changing at such a rapid pace that they are more easily overwhelmed and overstimulated.

If so, then we can support that growth and remember that … This Too Shall Pass.

This Too Shall Pass: What is a Cognitive Leap?

Development rarely, if ever, follows a steady pace of upwards progress. Instead,it is characterized by leaps and spurts, gains and losses, regression and progression, and general disorganization.

Before the new skill is learned and before the brain solidifies new connections, there is a period of relative chaos. After the new skill is mastered and the brain connections solidify,equilibrium and your cheery child (and your sanity!) return.

Related: Baby not sleeping? Could it be a cognitive leap? (and other comforting things to know about development in the first two years)

When the brain goes through a growth spurt it is adding new connections and trimming unused ones.Have you ever noticed that when your child is learning a new skill that they practice it over and over?

Practicing these new skills can almost seem like a compulsion. Like when a toddler plays the same scenario over and over and over again. Or when a preschooler starts repeating letter sounds all day. That kind of repetition is a sign that your child is in the midst of a brain growth spurt otherwise know as a cognitive leap.

People are not born once and for all on the day that their mother puts them on to the Earth, but…time and time again, life forces them to enter a new world on their own.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Signs of Brain Growth Spurts in the Early Years

When the brain is practicing these new skills, it is physically changing. New connections between brain fibers are growing, strengthening, or being trimmed away.

During growth spurts, the brain is disorganized. New connections in the brain are more prone to misfiring and miscommunicating. Also, energy may be shifted from the parts of the brain that are not growing to those that are.

How does this all affect your child’s behavior? In a word, they will be more cranky.

What Every Parent Should Know About Growth Spurts in Childhood (2)

Developmental theorists believe that all children cycle in and out of periods of relative calm (equilibrium) and periods of relative chaos (disequilibrium). Dr. Arnold Gesell studied over 10,000 children and adolescents and found that with development comes periods of time when the nervous system and the brain are reorganizing — these are times of disequilibrium. He said that a child will not be ready to do something until her nervous system is ready. Read more here.

There is some evidence for this theory. For example, growth spurt symptoms are related to immune suppression (and fevers)andsleep regression,bothsignsofdisequilibriuminthebody.

And a growing brain is a HUNGRY brain.Even during equilibrium, when children are not actively going through a growth spurt, a 5-year-old’s brain uses more glucose than an adult’s bigger brain.

At age 4, the brain uses 43% of the body’s total energy expenditure!

So, your usually regulated and balanced child is getting less quality sleep, needs more fuel for the body and brain, is more sensitive to their surroundings (hence easily overstimulated), and is more emotional.

What Every Parent Should Know About Growth Spurts in Childhood (3)

We also know that children are going through these periods of equilibrium and disequilibrium when we look at the patterns of brain development.

The peak of each of these colored lines indicates a period of intense growth in the areas of the brain associated with those skills. So, for example, we see intense growth in the brain in the area of peer social skills from the age of 2.5 to the age of 7.

Research has shown that behavioral changes we notice as parents and the development of new skills correlate with underlying brain changes. The times you might notice the biggest transitions are at 2-3 months, 7-12 months, 12-24 months, 4-8 years, and puberty (Kagan & Baird, 2004).

What does this all mean?

Growth in childhood may look different than we expect. Social angst and stress are not just a feeling or a behavior — but reflect actual brain changes.

So, when your 7-year-old comes home upset about a friend, this is part of the disequilibrium of that period. It is your child’s current challenge. Disequilibrium=Stress. And it’s our job as their parents to help them with that stress.

Signs of a Growth Spurt or a Cognitive Leap

  • Increased Hunger: asking for more snacks throughout the day, eating big meals, skipping meals, and wanting food before bed.
  • Sleep Disruption: Having trouble settling down or waking in the night.
  • Sleeping more: Having trouble waking up in the morning, falling asleep in the car, longer naps.
  • Practicing a new skill: Doing something over and over. Everything from learning to stand to learning to read. In older children, this may look more like thinking excessively about social situations and relationships as they develop more complex social skills.
  • Clumsiness: It takes a little time for coordination and equilibrium to return after a period of sudden growth, so kids are more likely to run into doors, fall down, etc.
  • Growing Pains: While pain at night can be many things (check with your Pediatrician), there are estimates that 1 in 3 children experience pains in their legs due to growth itself.

The good news is twofold: firstly, in a few weeks or so, your happy child will return, and secondly, you can do a few things to ease the crankiness and support the brain during these periods of growth.

7 Ways to Support Your Child’s Brain During Growth Spurts and Cognitive Leaps

1. Head to Bed Early

Earlier than you think and before you would expect your kids to be tired. I am a huge fan of early bedtimes in general, and when a cognitive leap hits, I aim for an even earlier bedtime.

Studies show that the later kids go to sleep, the longer they take to get to sleep and the earlier they wake, the opposite of what the brain needs during this time.

Start with increments of 20 minutes. If your child usually goes to sleep at 8:30, aim for 8:10. Give it a day or so and move to 7:50 and then 7:30.For tips on easing the transition to sleep, read this.

Research has shown that when children sleep, brain connectionschange. Some weaken (are trimmed), and some get stronger. In one night of sleep, connections between the right and left hemispheres can increase as much as 20%.What children practice and learn during the day is solidified at night.

2. Eat Healthy Fats

Whenever my son shows signs of a growth spurt, I up the healthy snacks and healthy fats. We often think our kids get plenty of fat– but are they getting the kind of healthy fats the brain is hungry for?

A recent randomized controlled study showed that adolescents (aged 11 to 16) who ate about 1 handful (1 oz.) of walnuts daily for 6 months showed significant improvement in neuropsychological scores like attention, fluid intelligence, and reduced ADHD symptoms.

Walnuts are a significant source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Several studies highlight the importance of Omega 3s, antioxidants to protect the brain from self-generating free radicals, and iron. Of course, other studies do not show the same effects.

Here are a few links about nutrition and the brain if you are interested in reading further:

When my son is going through a leap, I give him an Omega-3 supplement. These are my favorites, a multivitamin with fish oil,a simple fish oil gummy, and this one is specifically formulated to help attention.

Instead of the cheese crackers and raisins to tide him over until dinner, I stem the hangry attacks with snacks with healthy fats like:

3. Turn on the Music

The pattern and tempo of music cancalm the disorganization of the brain during these times. Of course, you don’t want to overdo it — but when your cranky child can’t handle sitting at dinner — turn on some tunes to distract their brain. Something low-key but interesting that can capture their attention. Here is my playlist for toddlers.

This is also an awesome way to wake up your child if they are super cranky in the morning. Create a playlist with a few of their favorite songs from movies.

If all else fails, have a family dance party, a surefire way to reduce stress and get good endorphins flowing for the whole family.

What Every Parent Should Know About Growth Spurts in Childhood (4)

4. Go Outside

Being outside calms the mind, enhances learning and creativity, boosts mood, and even increases kindness. It is my instant fix for a bad day.

When kids are learning new skills, a lot of time is spent concentrating. The perfect break from that kind of intense thinking is bog motor movement. Running around, walking on a trail, letting off steam at the playground — anything that gets them moving in a green space will help dispel their crankiness.

There is also evidence that exercise stimulates brain growth and that outdoor exercise boosts children’s executive function.

Executive functions like reasoning, planning, and decision-making — are housed in the prefrontal cortex, which develops across childhood. Getting outside may have multiple benefits by directly stimulating the brain and indirectly by lowering stress on the developing brain.

5. Engage the Mind: Books, Games, & Sensory Activities

When they are babies, it is easy to see what they need to have time practicing — crawling, standing, walking, vowel cooing, and so on. The skills older kids are working on may not be as clear. But there are a few activities that will enhance many different kinds of skills.

When my son hits a cognitive leap and is suddenly cranky, I find that doing something with him that engages his mind will also calmhim down.

Related: Mindful and Sensory Activities To Help Children Break Free of Worry or Upset

Sensory activities are some of the best activities that will calm a busy, active mind. I might make a big batch of play dough or slime during leaps. Or gather some toys we don’t usually play with outside and take them in the sandbox. Activities that keep the hands busy help soothe the over-active mind during big growth spurts.

I pile up many books from the library near the breakfast table and around the house. These also help occupy growing minds.

We also love playing games in our family, and board games are so good for kids developing brains —they challenge kids’ impulse control, reasoning, attention, and much more.

6. Give Lots of Extra Hugs

What Every Parent Should Know About Growth Spurts in Childhood (5)

Research shows that hugs stimulate pressure receptors in our skin, leading to a cascade effect in the body, resulting in a relaxed state. According to Dr. Tiffany Field, the pressure receptors stimulate the vagal system (e.g., state of relaxation), which signals the brain to release oxytocin (the bonding hormone, e.g., the warm-fuzzies).

“Like diet and exercise, you need a steady, daily dose of hugging.” – Dr. Tiffany Field

When your kids are having a hard time, give them a long 20-second hug, it will help buffer disequilibrium stress.

7. Stretch It Out

Stretching and Yoga can have positive benefits for kids during growth spurts.

First, Yoga and stretching can activate the parasympathetic (the rest and digest system). This is the opposite of the sympathetic or stress system. So, this kind of bodywork can buffer some of the stress of a period of disequilibrium.

I love these printable Yoga Cards and posters for kids. The cues on the back help with proper alignment, but really children will find what feels good, and in yoga — proper pose alignment is more about how it feels than how it looks. Also, the before-bedtime sequence is a good one to help with growing pains during growth spurts.

If your child has musculoskeletal growth, gentle stretching before bed can help decrease growing pains.

Kids can have really tight calves and hamstrings, partially due to bones growing faster than muscles. These are a few of the stretches my pediatrician recommended for my son during growth spurts.

What Every Parent Should Know About Growth Spurts in Childhood (6)

Now that you know what to look for and how to help your child’s growing brain, I hope some of the periods of disequilibrium will be a little smoother in your house.

Find more of my articles and resources for parents below.


The Science of Development in the First Two Years

A Science-Backed Bedtime Routine

3 Things About Child Development Every Parent Should Know

What Every Parent Should Know About Growth Spurts in Childhood (7)
What Every Parent Should Know About Growth Spurts in Childhood (2024)


What Every Parent Should Know About Growth Spurts in Childhood? ›

A major growth spurt happens at the time of puberty, usually between 8 to 13 years of age in girls and 10 to 15 years in boys. Puberty lasts about 2 to 5 years.

What do I need to know about growth spurts? ›

Growth spurts are short periods of time when your child experiences quick physical growth in height and weight. Growth spurts are a normal part of your child's development and occur at different stages of their childhood until they reach physical maturity.

When should parents worry regarding their child's growth? ›

If your child is smaller than other children their age, they may have a growth problem. It's typically considered a medical issue if they're smaller than 95 percent of children their age, and their rate of growth is slow.

How do you know if your child is having a growth spurt? ›

During growth spurts, rapid changes in height and limb length can cause their center of gravity to shift. You may notice that they're more clumsy and accident-prone than usual.

Why are growth spurts important? ›

Hormone-driven changes are accompanied by growth spurts that transform kids into physically mature teens as their bodies develop. It's important for them to have healthy eating habits, a well-balanced diet, and some physical activity each day to ensure continued growth and proper development during these years.

How tall should a 12 year old be? ›

What is considered a normal growth rate?
AgeHeight - FemalesHeight - Males
1255 to 64 inches54 to 63.5 inches
1459 to 67.5 inches59 to 69.5 inches
1660 to 68 inches63 to 73 inches
1860 to 68.5 inches65 to 74 inches
7 more rows

Can I grow 5 inches at 15? ›

From age 1 and puberty, most people grow 2 inches taller every year. After hitting puberty, it increases at the rate of 4 per cent till you reach the age of 18 years. Growth after this period slows down or completely stops.

What is the toughest age to raise a child? ›

Every stage of parenting has its challenges, but one poll reveals what age most parents feel they struggled with the most.

What is the most stressful age to parent? ›

From toddler tantrums to teen angst, parenting children at any age can be tough. Research shows that some people find it hardest to parent children in their middle school years. Puberty and peer pressure can leave these teens feeling angry, alone, and confused, which can cause bad behavior and disagreements.

What year is the hardest to parent? ›

For some parents, infancy is the hardest. For others, it's toddlerhood. Some parents feel that the preschool years present special challenges.

What are the stages of growth spurts? ›

Your baby will go through many growth spurts in the first year. They can cause your baby to nurse longer and more often. These growth spurts typically happen when your baby is around 2-3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months old. But your baby's growth spurts may not happen at these exact times.

Can growth spurts cause bad behavior? ›

Signs of Brain Growth Spurts in the Early Years

New connections in the brain are more prone to misfiring and miscommunicating. Also, energy may be shifted from the parts of the brain that are not growing to those that are. How does this all affect your child's behavior? In a word, they will be more cranky.

What ages do major growth spurts happen? ›

A major growth spurt happens at the time of puberty, usually between 8 to 13 years of age in girls and 10 to 15 years in boys. Puberty lasts about 2 to 5 years.

What influences growth spurts? ›

DNA determines a person's height. However, environmental factors, such as nutrition and exercise, can affect growth during development. As children get older, they need good nutrition and plenty of exercise to help their bodies make the hormones they need to grow.

Do vitamins help kids grow taller? ›

Zinc: Zinc supplementation along with the right combination of multivitamins has been known to enhance linear growth in children. For parents struggling with how to boost child's height, multivitamins with zinc are a must-buy. The effectiveness of zinc in height gain in kids has been proven by multiple studies.

Are growth spurts genetic? ›

For height, DNA is largely destiny. Studies of identical and fraternal twins suggest up to 80% of variation in height is genetic. But the genes responsible have largely eluded researchers.

Is 4 11 short for a 12 year old? ›

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, short stature means an estimated final height below 5 feet 3 inches for boys or 4 feet 11 inches for girls.

Is 4 9 short for a 12 year old boy? ›

How Tall Should a 12-Year-Old Be? We can only speak to national average heights here in North America, whereby a 12-year-old girl would be between 137 cm to 162 cm tall (4-1/2 to 5-1/3 feet). A 12-year-old boy should be between 137 cm to 160 cm tall (4-1/2 to 5-1/4 feet).

How tall will I be if I'm 5 7 at 13? ›

How tall will I be? I'm a 13 year old girl and already 5'8. It depends on your parents height, but if at least one of them are tall (over 5′7″ for mom, over 6′0″ for dad), then you'd likely be at least 5′10″ or 5′11″ by the time you stop growing around age 15 or 16.

Do late bloomers grow taller? ›

The term “late bloomer” refers to a child who goes through puberty later than their peers. Constitutional growth delay, the medical term for this condition, runs in families. Late bloomers will catch up on their growth and have standard adult height, although it may take a little extra time and patience.

Can a boy grow 4 inches after 15? ›

According to KidsHealth, most boys complete their growth by the time they're 16 years old. Some boys may continue to grow another inch or so in their later teen years, and muscles will continue to grow into adulthood. Keep reading to learn more about growth in boys and what to expect.

What foods help to grow taller? ›

13 Foods That Make You Taller – Increase Your Height Naturally
  • Beans. Beans are a fantastic source of protein and are quite nutrient-dense. ...
  • Chicken. Chicken is a great food to increase height because it is high in protein and several other crucial components. ...
  • Almonds. ...
  • Leafy Greens. ...
  • Yoghurt. ...
  • Sweet Potatoes. ...
  • Quinoa. ...
  • Eggs.
Nov 14, 2022

What age is hardest for girls? ›

The onset of adolescence, generally between 12 and 14, is the hardest age for a teenage girl. The hormones of puberty cause her to feel her emotions more intensely but she has not yet developed the reasoning skills to know how to handle them.

What age is no longer a child? ›

The Convention defines a "child" as a person below the age of 18, unless the relevant laws recognize an earlier age of majority.

What does Threenager mean? ›

The term refers to the weird in-between of being three years old: not a baby or even really a toddler anymore, but still lacking some of the key motor and mental skills that will eventually help your child feel (and act) like a “big kid.”

What is the 3 most stressful number of kids? ›

According to some random online survey, the most stressful number of kids to have is three. In fact, having four is supposed to be less stressful than three kids.

Why 3 is the hardest age? ›

Why is age three so turbulent? Sometimes called the “magic years,” three year olds are filled with wonder, independence and many (many!) questions. These little ones are developing their language, memory and imagination, and it's a time of discovery, as parents begin to see their kid's personality shine.

What age do kids become easier? ›

All of this curiosity will be a fun time for you and your child as you open the book of the world to them! They become quite independent as they reach 5-6 years of age, even wanting to help you with some of the chores! This is probably why most parents look at age 6 as the magical age when parenting gets easier.

What is the most fun age? ›

The Best And Hardest Ages

Forty percent of survey participants felt that five was the most fun age. This was thought to be down to improved communication skills and the development of a good sense of humour. The survey also found that parents had the least fun with the 10 to 12 year old children.

What is the ideal mom age? ›

Biological age of motherhood

The optimal reproductive age for women is between 19 and 30 years of age. A woman's fertility decreases with age until she reaches menopause (the end of the reproductive age) at an age that varies between 45 and 52 years old.

Which parenting style is most? ›

The authoritative parenting style is the most common parenting style and the majority of the parents adopt mixed parenting styles. Proper counseling of parents on the appropriate parenting style in early childhood will optimize development in children.

What is the last stage of growth spurt? ›

Tanner stage 5

In this final phase, your teen will eventually reach full physical maturation, including their final adult height.

How many growth spurts do girls have? ›

Girls typically have a growth spurt in the one to two years before menstruation starts. For most girls, puberty occurs between 8 and 13 years old and the growth spurt occurs between 10 and 14 years old. They grow just 1 to 2 additional inches in the year or two after getting their first period.

What year is the average growth spurt? ›

Height increase averages out to be about 6 centimeters (2.4 inches) per year throughout childhood. Then there is a period of slow growth right before puberty. Once puberty starts, there is a sharp increase in growth of about 8 centimeters/year.

Can unhappy childhood stunt growth? ›

Chronic stress inhibits the production of the two most powerful hormones that promote bone growth. “These are growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1. A lack of these hormones can stop growth in height.”

What can stunt growth spurts? ›

Stunted growth: what actually causes it? The most direct causes are inadequate nutrition (not eating enough or eating foods that lack growth-promoting nutrients) and recurrent infections or chronic or diseases which cause poor nutrient intake, absorption or utilization.

What is a mental growth spurt? ›

Alike to physical growth spurts, during our children's first years of life. there are periods of mental neurological development. These are mental growth spurts. Some of these mental growths we physically can watch happen in our children such as rolling, sitting, crawling, pulling to stand and then walking.

How often do children have growth spurts? ›

Kids tend to get taller at a pretty steady pace, growing about 2.5 inches (6 to 7 centimeters) each year. When it comes to weight, kids gain about 4–7 lbs. (2–3 kg) per year until puberty starts. This is also a time when kids start to have feelings about how they look and how they're growing.

How many growth spurts do boys have? ›

In males, there are typically two major growth spurts that occur during childhood and adolescence: Childhood Growth Spurt: This growth spurt occurs between the ages of two to three years and ten to twelve years. During this time, boys typically grow at a steady rate of about two to three inches per year.

What are the two major brain growth spurts? ›

Two major brain growth spurts occur during middle/late childhood. Between ages 6 and 8, significant improvements in fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination are noted. Then between 10 and 12 years of age, the frontal lobes become more developed and improvements in logic, planning, and memory are evident.

Does height come from mom or dad? ›

As a general rule of thumb, your height can be predicted based on how tall your parents are. If they are tall or short, then your own height is said to end up somewhere based on the average heights between your two parents. Genes aren't the sole predictor of a person's height.

Does height depend on father or mother? ›

In addition to genetic and biological determinants, height is also influenced by environmental factors, including a mother's nutrition during pregnancy, whether she smoked, and her exposure to hazardous substances.

What part of the brain controls growth spurts? ›

The brain first goes through a rapid maturation phase in the months before and after birth, and a second maturation phase throughout later childhood and adolescence. During this second phase of increased brain growth, the prefrontal cortex is the site of the brain's most active reorganization and growth.

What helps make kids taller? ›

Taking care of himself — eating well, exercising regularly, and getting plenty of rest — is the best way for your son to help his body reach its natural potential. No pill, formula, or nutritional supplement can increase someone's height. Mostly, our genes determine how tall we will be.

How can I encourage my child to grow taller? ›

Along with foods, these tips will help your kid gain height faster
  1. Ensure they get proper sleep.
  2. Encourage them to do stretching exercises to elongate their bones and muscles.
  3. Encourage them to play sports.
  4. Expose them to the sun for vitamin D.
  5. Urge them to eat home-cooked food.
Jul 7, 2021

Does zinc help kids grow taller? ›

Gross height gain and height z-score gain were significantly higher in the zinc group children than in the placebo group (height gain: 5.6±2.4 cm in Zinc group and 4.7±1.4 cm in placebo group; P=0.009, height Z-score gain: 0.45±0.37 in Zinc group and 0.37±0.27 in placebo group; P=0.048).

What triggers puberty? ›

Puberty is the body's natural process of sexual maturation. Puberty's trigger lies in a small part of the brain called the hypothalamus, a gland that secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH).

What hormone causes growth spurts? ›

Abstract. Pubertal growth results from increased sex steroid and growth hormone (GH) secretion. Estrogens appear to play an important role in the regulation of pubertal growth in both girls and boys.

When should I worry about my child's growth? ›

If your child is smaller than other children their age, they may have a growth problem. It's typically considered a medical issue if they're smaller than 95 percent of children their age, and their rate of growth is slow.

How tall do growth spurts make you? ›

Height increase averages out to be about 6 centimeters (2.4 inches) per year throughout childhood. Then there is a period of slow growth right before puberty. Once puberty starts, there is a sharp increase in growth of about 8 centimeters/year.

How tall is average 13 year old boy? ›

Height by age
Age (years)50th percentile height for boys (inches and centimeters)
1258.7 in. (149 cm)
1361.4 in. (156 cm)
1464.6 in. (164 cm)
1566.9 in. (170 cm)
7 more rows
Mar 8, 2019

How tall should you grow in a growth spurt? ›

How Many Inches Do You Grow in a Growth Spurt? Typically, in that intense phase of the growth spurt, or that three years between ages 12 and 15 years for boys (generally speaking) and between ages 10 and 13 for girls, height gains are about 4 inches per year for boys and 3 to 3.5 inches per year for girls.

What age is your final growth spurt? ›

By the time girls reach age 15 and boys reach age 16 or 17, the growth of puberty has ended for most and they will have reached physical maturity.

How many growth spurts do kids have? ›

When Do Kids Have Growth Spurts? Your little one will absolutely grow and develop throughout childhood, but besides the rapid growth of the newborn phase, the only other major growth spurt for children occurs at puberty. For girls, this typically happens between 8 and 13 years, and for boys, between 10 and 15 years.

How can I tell how tall my child will be? ›

What's the best way to predict a child's adult height?
  1. Add the mother's height to the father's height in either inches or centimeters.
  2. Add 5 inches (13 centimeters) for boys or subtract 5 inches (13 centimeters) for girls.
  3. Divide by 2.

Is 4 10 short for a 13 year old? ›

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, short stature means an estimated final height below 5 feet 3 inches for boys or 4 feet 11 inches for girls.

Is 5 1 short for a 13 year old? ›

For example, if you look at the CDC growth chart for boys 2 to 20 years, a 13-year-old boy who is 5'1" (61 inches tall) is in the 50th percentile. Based on that curve, they should reach an adult height between 5'9" or 5'10" (69–70 inches).

Is 5 10 tall for a 12 year old boy? ›

A 12-year-old boy should be between 137 cm to 160 cm tall (4-1/2 to 5-1/4 feet).

Can you have 2 growth spurts? ›

An adolescent may expect to grow several inches in several months followed by a period of very slow growth, then will typically have another growth spurt.

What things stop height growth? ›

What Can Slow Growth?
  • don't get enough protein, calories, and other nutrients in their diet.
  • have a long-lasting (chronic) medical condition, such as problems with the kidneys, heart, lungs, and intestines.
  • have sickle cell anemia.

Are late growers taller? ›

Late bloomers will catch up on their growth and have standard adult height, although it may take a little extra time and patience.


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.